Then & Now

Revisited - How Endangered is the Right to Vote? A Conversation on the Past and Future of Voting Rights in the United States with Franita Tolson

Months after the national election and despite numerous judicial decisions to the contrary, many Americans still believe the election was stolen from Donald Trump. In recent weeks various state legislatures have used the claim of voter fraud to propose new bills to change voting procedures, launching a new chapter in the long battle over the franchise in the United States. In this episode of "Then & Now," we discuss the history of voter suppression and the current state of play with election law expert, Professor Franita Tolson, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the USC Gould School of Law and author of the forthcoming book In Congress We Trust: Enforcing Voting Rights From the Founding Fathers to the Jim Crow Era.

Then & Now is taking a summer break in July and August, and will return with a new season in September. Please enjoy a look back at some of our favorite episodes over the last year!